Sunday, 2 May 2010

Sunday Brunch For ManggisGirl

Today is Sunday~ ... Every friday, Bunutboy has to fulfill his craving- his comfort food... to him.. its David's Kuew Tiow... I shall post it up soon.

And for me, I came about to love Yu-Wat Mee Hoon Soup(Assorted Fish) - introduce by BunutBoy's Mom.. at Spg 66.. That is what it is known to them.. And I shall call the restaurant as "Simpang 66 Yu-Wat". Yu-Wat basically means there are fish slices, fish ball, fish maw, fish-tofu" cooked in preserved vegetable soup.

The portion is huge and the fish ingredients were plentiful.. well worth the money. Soup (which is the most important) was done well and flavorful without the strong smell of fish. Have to really thanks Bunutboy for accompanying me there to have my comfort food. *HUGS*


  1. You has the comfortz foodz! I like the fish slice and the fish cake thingy! Place is quite unfamiliar territory but the food is pretty good, would try their rice dishes next time. I saw some sweet sourz!

  2. =D poor BunutBoy's tummy not used to 'some' food there...
