Wednesday, 28 April 2010

My own Chocolate Banana Cake

I am a baking-whore..hahaha sounds rude but then I love to bake when I am free, when I am stress, when I am happy or sad. Obviously, the outcome each time may differ depending on my mood and also recipes. I am not much of a 'pastry chef' as in I have never came up with my own recipes, being not much of a creative person. However, this time round after getting a good recipe on 'Blackout Cake'.
Info: Blackout cake
"Chocolate Blackout Cake is a rich chocolate cake that has a filling of Rich chocolate pudding and is frosted with the same rich pudding and covered with some of the cake crumbs, made popular by Ebinger's bakery that had stores in Brooklyn, New York"- from The History of Food.

I love this cake, despite the messiness of melting the chocolate,making the pudding, crumbling the chocolate cake (more complain from mum when she saw the crumbs and chocolate smears everywhere). Incidentally, (no surprise here) I like chocobanana cake too. And Voila! I came out up merging those two. By putting in sliced bananas in between the cake layers with the chocolate pudding... Well, people who tasted them seems to like them~ so no complain for me

1 comment:

  1. This was a very good cake! Mum said "Hern Siang SHAY LAY TON" More baking power to the Manggis Patisserie!
